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This week on The Health & Wealth Power Hour, Harlon Pickett repurposes a recent episode of his show, The Wrap, offering a comprehensive exploration of pressing topics within the health insurance industry. These insights are paramount for consumers looking to navigate the complex landscape of health insurance intelligently.

Harlon initiates the discussion by delving into the intriguing lawsuit filed by AdventHealth against MultiPlan. Alleging that MultiPlan operates as a cartel systematically underpaying providers to the staggering tune of $19 billion annually, AdventHealth, a major healthcare entity owning around 50 hospitals, has taken a bold stance. They argue that MultiPlan’s technology inappropriately reprices out-of-network claims, extending beyond the boundaries of in-network transactions. The lawsuit seeks to permanently halt MultiPlan’s contentious practice of claim repricing.

Shifting gears, Harlon then addresses the rise of “lifestyle” drugs, typified by medications like Ozempic and Wegovy, designed to aid weight loss. A recent study has unveiled Wegovy’s potential not only for weight loss but also for reducing the risk of heart attacks. This discovery may sway more insurers to cover these costly medications. For perspective, Ozempic carries a substantial price tag of $936 per month in the United States, compared to a mere $69 cost in Japan. The forthcoming introduction of pill forms for these drugs later in the year is poised to amplify demand and expand insurance coverage.

Additionally, Harlon highlights a disconcerting trend – a 71% surge in robocall scams related to health insurance and Medicare over the past year. This alarming increase has resulted in an astonishing 77 billion robocalls across various industries. Harlon urges consumers to exercise utmost caution, especially during open enrollment periods, and to be wary of answering calls from unfamiliar numbers to shield themselves from falling prey to these fraudulent schemes.

In the intricate and ever-evolving landscape of health insurance, staying informed about the latest developments is crucial. “The Wrap” LinkedIn audio event, hosted by Harlon Pickett, offers a weekly dose of insights that empower consumers to navigate this complex terrain with discernment and make informed choices that align with their health and financial well-being.

Tune in to “The Wrap” every Friday at 10:30 AM CT on Harlon’s LinkedIn.

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